Service providers
in Uturoa

Korals & Lagoon

Korals & Lagoon offers accompanied snorkeling to plant your own coral cutting.
After a briefing, tea, coffee and fresh water, equipped with flippers, mask and snorkel, we set off from the shore for a snorkeling trip, where I'll show you the underwater wonders we'll encounter, all the way to my cutting table, where you'll choose your cutting that we'll replant a little further on. Duration of the outing: 2 hours.
In general, outings take place in the morning, around 9 a.m., for better visibility and depending on the weather, of course.
You don’t want to get in the water, you live on the other side of the planet, you want to give a useful gift… Adopt a coral online and you’ll receive in exchange a photo of your cutting planted by me, the location via Google Earth, and a certificate specifying the name, variety of coral, GPS position and date.


Korals & Lagoon
Raiatea, Polynésie française
98735 Uturoa
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